• asking questions

Become Good at Asking Questions by Judi Moreo

If you are looking for great conversation starters, use questions as your means. Questions are easy because they get the other person talking. They also show that you have taken the time to think about the conversation itself. It’s unlikely you would come up with good questions if you didn’t. This last point is important.

  • mentoring

Mentoring Relationships by Judi Moreo

Mentors are people who have more experience than we have and are willing to help and guide us in our development. In many cases, mentors can open doors and introduce us to people we may want or need to know. They usually have nothing to gain by helping us other than their own personal satisfaction.

Would you like to be Powerful, Respected, and Impressive?

If you would like to become powerful, strong, respected, impressive and successful, there are two ways you can make it happen. First, position your information.  Communication is most effective when it is purposefully positioned.  When you say the right thing at the right time using the right tone of voice, the right facial expressions, and