Do You Believe We Always Have A Choice?Choices! We have choices. They are the source of the success in our lives. When things happen to us, we can choose to believe they happen for a reason. We can discover opportunities in the most difficult experiences if we are willing to look for them. It is what we choose to think about each experience that determines how we respond to it. How we respond determines whether or not we find richer, more purposeful, more joyful lives.

Life is an adventure to be lived…fully, with whole-hearted commitment, enthusiasm for what’s around the next corner and joy in our accomplishments. All too often, choices are based on what we believe is the “right” thing to do rather than on what will make us happy. Financial success does not necessarily bring satisfaction. Some people live extraordinarily successful lives and still don’t live lives of significance or joy. What if we could do both? What if we could live our dreams AND take care of our responsibilities at the same time. Do you believe we can?