Would you like to be Powerful, Respected, and Impressive?

If you would like to become powerful, strong, respected, impressive and successful, there are two ways you can make it happen. First, position your information.  Communication is most effective when it is purposefully positioned.  When you say the right thing at the right time using the right tone of voice, the right facial expressions, and

Are You A Problem Identifier or A Problem Solver?

It is absolutely essential we become problem solvers. Problem identifiers are a dime a dozen. Anyone can go around pointing out problems. On the other hand, problem solvers are worth their weight in gold. Far too few people spend their time and use their minds looking for solutions. Problems give us opportunities to be creative.

Have You Written Your New Year’s Resolutions?

It's that time!  Time to write out your goals for the coming year! Do you have any childhood dreams that remain unfulfilled or any cities that you have always wanted to see, but never visited? Consider all the material things you want, the lifestyle you desire, the places you would like to go, or things