Do You Do The Important Things First?
Stephen Covey said it best in his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, "Habit #3, First Things First." He told us we should always do the most important
Slang, Vulgarities, and Curse Words
In today's conversations, slang, vulgarities, and curse words seem to sneak unnoticed into many people's vocabularies. At least, unnoticed by the person speaking! But, you can bet the person listening
Is Your Attitude Hurting You?
One of the young women in our office made a statement the other day that made me stop and think. She said, "People around here think I have a bad attitude.
Would you like to be Powerful, Respected, and Impressive?
If you would like to become powerful, strong, respected, impressive and successful, there are two ways you can make it happen. First, position your information. Communication is most effective when
Conquering Fear
When we do things we haven't done before or attempt things we've only dreamed of, we often feel FEAR. We might fear getting lost, or not knowing what to do,
Are You Looking for Love?
When I was attending a function, the other evening, a group of women were sitting at a table talking. One of them turned, looked at me, and said, "Let's ask