Most of us have a role model, and in many cases, we would cite our parents as being inspirational to us growing up. Effectively, the people who raise us and the adults around us will provide us with a blueprint for successful adulthood, and this, in turn, helps us make decisions regarding who we want to be and what we want to achieve.role models

But beyond this, we might have other inspirational figures in our lives. We might find role models in celebrities or even fictional characters. Perhaps you aspire to be like Barack Obama. Maybe you always thought of yourself as demure and multitalented like Nicole Kidman. Maybe you’re a fast runner like Sonic the Hedgehog.

Wherever you find your inspiration, role models can be a force for great good, but also potentially damaging. Read on, and we’ll look at some tips to help ensure they fall firmly into the former camp.

Nobody is Perfect

The first thing to realize is that nobody is perfect. Taking inspiration from someone is one thing, but hero worship is quite the opposite. What’s important here is that you recognize the limitations of your chosen idols, and don’t put them on a pedestal. Don’t be blind to their flaws, emulate aspects of their character, but be wise enough to learn from their mistakes.

If your personal hero is Arnold Schwarzenegger, don’t see that as a license to sleep with your maid and sire illegitimate children. Emulate his charm, charisma, and entrepreneurial drive only.

For this reason, it’s also a good idea to have more than one role model and borrow aspects from each of them, while injecting something uniquely your own.

Don’t Compare

Another thing to avoid is comparing yourself to others. Role models can help give us vision and inspiration, but in some cases, they can also damage our self-esteem if we compare our success with theirs. Try looking for role models who are a similar body type or who work in the same industry. This way, you will find there’s potentially more you can learn from them, and you can emulate them more closely.

Finally, be your own person! Remember, somewhere out there is someone who considers you to be his or her role model. So, make sure you acknowledge what an inspiration you already are.

Judi Moreo is the author of the award-winning book, “You Are More Than Enough: Every Woman’s Guide to Purpose, Passion, and Power.” She is a motivational speaker, self esteem strategist, and customer service trainer. She can be reached at (702) 283-4567 or