Stressed young man running out of time looking at wall clockIt’s not difficult to understand that, during times of change, an employee’s first thought might be, “What will happen to my job?” or “Will I keep my job?” If employees feel threatened, they will resist, because they see no benefit for themselves. No workers have ever been motivated by any kind of change that is going to benefit stockholders at their expense. Let’s be realistic! It is perfectly normal to respond to any kind of change from your own perspective and self-interest. People will judge change according to how it personally benefits or threatens them. If you don’t take the time to explain what’s in it for them, you can be sure that resistance will prevail. Stress how the change will improve their changes of realizing their individual potential. support your plan with facts and statistics. Explain market demands, customer perceptions and competitive trends. Help them to visualize a positive outcome and ensure that they understand the negative consequences of not making the changes. If people know and understand the reasons for the change and the benefits to them, they are likely to handle the change with greater enthusiasm and sense of direction.