Does Your Workplace Smell Good?
The sense of smell is a very important factor in being able to stir up emotions and memories. Think of a time when you experienced a happy emotion. You might
Are You Happy?
You have a right and even a responsibility to be happy. Happiness is a state of mind. Many people let life pass them by because they choose to be unhappy.
Leadership Is A Key to Customer Service
We only have to take a look at the leadership of an organization to understand why certain companies flourish and others merely exist. Victor Goncalves, former co-founder of the very
Are You A Problem Identifier or A Problem Solver?
It is absolutely essential we become problem solvers. Problem identifiers are a dime a dozen. Anyone can go around pointing out problems. On the other hand, problem solvers are worth
Did You Think Life Would Be Easy?
Who told you life was going to be easy? There are lots of troubles, irritations, and pains in life. Things happen. Things go wrong. People don’t always do what we
Do You Have A Good Luck Charm?
Luck does not come from the rabbit’s foot in your pocket or wearing your “lucky suit” to the job interview. Luck is a state of mind. It isn’t the suit