Do You Use These Three Magical Phrases?
So often lately, I've seen people forget to use the magical phrases....the ones that get you what you want, get people to do what you want, and make what you
How Do You Behave?
More important than what we do in life is how we do it! This week a friend of ours thought she was having a heart attack, so another friend called
What Is Self-Confidence?
I was working with one of my coaching clients this week, when she said, "I have no self-confidence?" I asked her what that meant and she said, "I don't believe
My New Exercise Program
I just hired a personal trainer. Why? Because I'm out of shape. I find myself feeling tired and not functioning at my best, and I realized I have not been
Are You Taking Care of You?
You must pace yourself in order to maintain your health. A person in great health emits attractiveness, energy, and effervescence. That’s because his or her body is full of strength,
What Does Your Body Posture Say About You?
Powerful people don’t slump. They stand up straight. Good body posture makes you look confident, successful and energetic. There are many benefits to good body posture, including increased energy, improved