By Judi Moreo

Have you ever thought you were limited in what you could accomplish in this life? 

Do you think there is one way to do something and it’s that way or the highway? 

A lot of people struggle with this type of thinking.  It’s a limited mindset.

A limited mindset is a mindset rooted in the belief that you are limited in what you can accomplish. It’s the idea there is one way to do things, it’s the right way, and it’s the only way things should be done. It might not seem like a big deal, but it’s the type of mindset that limits job opportunities endangers relationships and can impact your performance. 

A limitless mindset, on the other hand, is the extreme opposite. It’s the idea that nothing can stop you from achieving exactly what you want. Opportunities are endless. A limitless mindset opens possibilities and paves the way for growth. 

  • Abundance and Opportunity 

A limitless mindset provides you with the opportunity to create a compelling, hopeful vision of your future. It isn’t about wishful thinking: it’s about seeing what you want and thinking why not?

There is an abundance of possibilities and opportunities, so if you miss out on one or fail at another, don’t worry too much – there’s another one right around the corner. There’s always going to be something else that comes your way, and you don’t need to sweat it. 

  • No Fear

The great thing about a limitless mindset is realizing you have no fear about the future. The future might be unknown, but you know that no matter what, you have what it takes. You’re excited about what’s to come rather than fearful about what may unfold. 

  • Giving

The knowledge that opportunities are limitless is a tonic – you don’t need to think twice about mindset because you know there’s enough for everyone. You become a more giving person.  You are generous with your time, and knowledge, and offer advice because there’s enough for everyone. 

With that giving spirit, you create a ripple effect. The more you give, the more that comes back, and the people around you start to give more, too. 

It also makes you happy when others succeed because you know it isn’t going to impact your success. 

  • Gratitude 

Mindset is so important, and a limitless mindset sets you up to be a more appreciative person. You start to feel grateful for all the beautiful little moments of life gifts you have. It doesn’t matter if things are going wrong, you still have a lot to be thankful for. 

  • Change

Change is inevitable, so why sweat it? At least, that’s what you will believe if you adopt a limitless mindset. It’s an important part of life, and it’s never-ending. If there is no change, there is no growth. Recognizing that every change in life is an opportunity to develop, grow, and improve is a useful way to think about it. 

A limitless mindset doesn’t magically erase all of your problems, but it does put them in perspective. We may be hardwired for negativity, but you have a choice – you can live from a place of fear and scarcity or you can live with a limitless mindset that recognizes that anything is possible. 

Start the process by recognizing there’s an infinite way of doing life. If you are face-to-face with a limited mindset, challenge yourself on where that came from. One of the biggest culprits of a limited mindset is never questioning those limiting beliefs.


Judi Moreo is the Ultimate Achievement Coach.  In addition, she is an author, an artist, a hypnotherapist, an NLP practitioner, and a television show host of “What’s Your Story?” on the WWDB-TV Network on Roku. If you would like to contact Judi, you may do so at