What are you Thankful for?As today is Thanksgiving, I am reminded of all that I have to be grateful for. I have truly had a blessed life…a wonderful family, fabulous interesting friends, a great career traveling the world and studying other cultures.  I live in a country where I am free to vote and practice whatever religion I prefer.  I can speak out about whatever I choose to speak about.

I truly learned to appreciate all of this when I lived in South Africa during apartheid and witnessed the lack of freedoms and rights of many people…rights that we Americans often take for granted.

One year when I was in South Africa a friend attempted to make a traditional dinner for me and I so loved her for doing it. I was a long way from home and my family and she made the day really special.  It wasn’t anything like what we make, but it was really good.  As they don’t get turkey in the markets until Christmas, we had Cornish game hens. Since they don’t have real pumpkin like ours, they call their squash “pumpkin” so she made a pumpkin pie from squash and put chocolate sprinkles on top.  It certainly had an unusual flavor.

Another year, I had dinner with some other friends who heated the cranberry sauce and poured it over vanilla ice cream for dessert.  That was a real surprise to me, but actually it tasted quite good.

My most memorable Thanksgiving was the year I was speaking in Dubai for the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and my client actually had a turkey flown in so he and his family could make Thanksgiving dinner for me.  They invited all the Americans they knew and we all cooked and enjoyed dinner together.

It’s times like these when I realize that people around the world are people who are just like us…who want to have peace, happiness, and the love of their families and friends.  This year, I am thankful for my health, for overcoming cancer, and for still being able to speak, write and touch people’s lives in a positive way.

I wish you a wonderful holiday…much health and laughter.  I am grateful for you. Thank you for reading my articles and being a part of my life.
Judi Moreo is an author, writer, and professional coach who is the President of Turning Point International in Las Vegas.  To inquire about her services or books, call (702) 283-4567.