horseshoe closeupLuck does not come from the rabbit’s foot in your pocket or wearing your “lucky suit” to the job interview. Luck is a state of mind.

It isn’t the suit that is lucky, it is the way you feel about yourself when you are wearing it. Chances are the color of the suit looks good on you, the style is becoming and it fits. You may even have had some measure of good fortune the first time you wore it. It is not the suit that will bring you luck in your next endeavor. It is the way you walk, the confidence you feel and your own affirmation, “today is going to be a good day” that will bring good things to you.

Good luck charms serve as an anchor for our positive thoughts. When you have a special coin or stone in your pocket, it reminds you that good things can and will happen to and for you. It is easy to think, “I have my lucky charm with me, everything is going to go my way.” The down side is when we forget to take it with us or if it is lost, we can feel that we have lost our luck.

There are some things we can do to ensure our luck is here to stay, with or without the rabbit’s foot.

Be willing to take risks. Never bet more than you are willing to lose, but step out of your comfort zone long enough to try new things. Be open to possibilities.

Trust someone. Find the people you can trust and gather around you the people who will be there to encourage you when times are tough and cheer for you when you succeed. Knowing we are not alone helps to give us the courage to keep going long enough to get lucky and succeed.

Be authentic. Being true to yourself and the things that you believe in will help you to project a more confident image. People who are in the market for a new employee or the product you are offering are more likely to choose you if you look confident and comfortable with who you are.

Whenever you put on your lucky suit or pick up your lucky charm to put in your pocket, don’t forget to affirm who and what you are. Affirm a positive outcome for the day. Keep your mind focused on all of the good things that will happen. When you do that, luck will surely follow you wherever you go.