Attention pleaseIf we are not aware and don’t consciously do something about it, we can pass our level of self-esteem from one generation to the next. That’s okay if we have high self-esteem, but if we have low self-esteem, it’s often disastrous. Low self-esteem brings with it some behavioral problems we need to watch for a recognize.

Negativity seeking: People with low self-esteem often find fault with others. If we don’t like ourselves, we tend not to like other people, either. We may think if we can find something wrong with others, it will make us better. We are actually attempting to make ourselves feel better at their expense. Coincidentally, the traits we don’t like in other people are usually the very same traits we don’t like in ourselves. If you are a fault-finder, here is a homework assignment for you. Try to get through the next 24 hours without expressing one negative comment about anyone or anything. You need to break the habit of seeking negativity. When you see something you don’t like about someone, immediately make yourself look for something good about that same person. The more you look for good, the more you will find.

Hungry for Attention: Most people enjoy other people showing an interest in them. People with low self-esteem and a lack of confidence sometimes make every effort to be the center of attention. They talk incessantly about themselves, their accomplishments, what they own, who they know, and where they have been. There is no exchange of information, it is all about “me, myself, and I.” If you find you are one of these people, instead of trying to get all the attention, make an effort to make other people feel special.

Remember, You Are More Than Enough!  Let’s help our children know they are too.  The only self-esteem we want to pass on is HIGH self-esteem.