Today was the five year anniversary of my cancer surgery. It’s hard to believe that it has been five years. When I made the decision not to do radiation and chemo, I prayed I was making the right decision. It is so hard to know what to do. The doctors were saying if I had radiation and chemo I would live five more years and if I didn’t have radiation and chemo, I’d probably die in five years. I decided to choose quality of life over longevity. As it turned out, for me, it was the right choice. I am healthier now than I’ve ever been and it is because of the life style changes I made. I eat differently. I exercise regularly. And I rest when I feel tired. I try to stay away from negative people although it is hard. Some people just insist on wallowing in their past crap and often seem determined to share it in my space. When that happens to me and you too, for that matter, we must insist those people change their behavior and conversation or remove themselves from our space. Negative energy pulls us down…and my health is more important to me than listening to their tirade. Yours should be too! Don’t be like me and wait until you have life threatening news to make positive life changes. Start now, so you don’t ever have to hear a life defeating diagnosis.
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