Collection of Diverse Happy PeopleThis is the game where you compare yourself to others and you almost always lose. It’s like you have a magnifying glass that always makes the other person and their accomplishments look bigger than they really are and a minimizing glass that you use to make your own accomplishments look smaller.

This is when you refer to yourself as “Just a…” or I’m “only…”

Want to stop playing the game? Then ask yourself, “Why must I compare? Why can’t I appreciate that others have unique strengths and weaknesses and so do I? Understand that another person’s contributions are not “better.” They are different.”

You are a unique one-of-a-kind individual. There is no one exactly like you. You were created to be you. No one else can be you better than you can. So, identify what it Is that you like to do, where it is that you like to go, who it is that you like to spend time with and then do those things.

If there is something you don’t like about yourself, fix it. But don’t sit around wishing you could be like that other person who is so much “more.” Truth is, that person is NOT more. Just different. And you are only comparing yourself to what you see or know about that person. If you knew what she goes through on a day to day basis, or what her problems are, you would probably rather be you.

Change games. Play the appreciation game instead. Appreciate who and what you are. Appreciate that you have lived through your own challenges and you have turned out pretty darn well.