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Judi Moreo's Motivational Tidbits
  August 2009

Welcome to Judi Moreo’s monthly e-zine, developed specifically for people who want to be the best they can be and enjoy much success in their lives! Please feel free to forward this to associates, friends, and family!

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In This Issue


Dear ,

What a week! It’s been educational, motivating, inspiring, interesting and fun. My brain is on overload. I attended the National Speakers Association national convention in Phoenix and made sure I went to all the Social Networking and Media classes. I took classes on Facebook, You Tube, Skype, Linked In, etc. and learned things I never even knew were possible. I’m excited to get home and start trying out all these new found skills. I also saw lots of old friends, made some new friends, and ended the week by going across town to General Dynamics and presenting a two day training program on Communication Skills. The attendees were so fun! Young! Gorgeous! Smart! And inquisitive. They were one of the very best groups I have ever worked with…and who said the Matures can’t relate to the Gen X and Y…ers? They did keep me on my toes. I told my typewriter story and one of the girls told me she had never seen one until last year. That’s a hoot! How exciting to have lived through all these changes in history. If you haven’t gotten on the technical bandwagon yet, I recommend you do it as fast as you can. These new technologies are the way of the future. I would bet that it won’t be too long until someone tells one of us that they’ve never seen a cell phone or an ipod…don’t wait. You can learn it.

You are more than enough,


A Sense of Urgency

No matter how good you are at what you do, how talented, how knowledgeable or competent you may be, unless you develop a sense of urgency – a commitment that the time to DO is NOW, you are likely to find yourself still wondering how to be successful five years from now.

“Just do it” may have been a popular Nike ad, but it is also a valuable piece of wisdom. If you want to be a runner, just do it. If you want to be a successful lawyer, just do it. It sounds simplistic, but unless you take the first step, unless you do something all the wishing, dreaming and hoping in the world won’t make it so. Make a plan, then execute it. Telling yourself you will do it “when the kids are older,” “when I have the money,” or “when I have more time” usually means that whatever it is will never happen. When you allow yourself to put off your dreams until something else happens, that “something” rarely happens and, consequently, the dream is never fulfilled.

We all know very competent people who honestly intend to do things tomorrow, and yet their accomplishments seldom match those who, although perhaps less talented, have a sense of urgency about making things happen. It is the successful who understand the importance of getting started NOW.

You may honestly need to wait, to save money in order to take that trip around the world. If you don’t make a commitment to it by starting a savings account TODAY, then the tomorrow you plan to take the trip will never come. If you don’t get the catalogue from your local community college or university or get the information you need to go back to school, you will not finish your degree next year, or the year after or even the year after that.

We don’t always like it, but for the most part, we show up when we are required to… for work or events in our children’s lives. We are busy. And we are tired. Tired because of all the ‘stuff’ that keeps us on the run. We rush through our lives, filling our days with things we “have” to do and leaving ourselves too exhausted to do the things that will get us off the treadmill and on to the fulfillment of our dreams.

Now, right now, do something that will take you one step closer to your dream. It is important. It is imperative. This “now” will never come again. You will never have as much time as you have now. Once you have done something, it becomes easier to take the next step, to do something else. Loose change in the jar soon adds up to dollars to deposit into an interest bearing account. Making a deposit NOW, not tomorrow, may mean you won’t have money to stop at Starbucks on the way to work in the morning, but you will have taken yourself one step closer to the plane ticket to Paris.

Whatever it is you want, just do it….do it now.

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Recommended Reading


Remember Me? BookImage1It has been 16 years since Mary Monaghan said goodbye to her husband John as he left for a three month sabbatical. Sixteen long years of coming to terms with his disappearance and the many hurtful truths uncovered as she searched to find him.

Their seven year marriage was a happy one, envied by all their friends. As with any marriage, they’d had some ups and downs which were not made any easier by the fact that John was working far away from home and his business was not doing well. John felt he needed some “time out” before sorting out his business issues, and booked a three month backpacking holiday to Australia.

He left in 1993 and never came home. No phone calls, no contact whatsoever. Faced with crippling debts that John left behind, she was forced to sell her home, battled to put food on the table and faced the endless day-to-day struggle to just survive.

The death of his grandmother in Ireland started a series of events which finally led Mary to discovering a Sydney phone number for John -- almost six years later. Tears flowed as she heard his voice and asked: “Remember Me? This is a voice from your past.”

Even though it has taken many years, Mary has finally let the man go. This painful experience has left her a stronger, more independent woman who has gone on to create a successful career and establish a new life . She is new — alive, fulfilled and free.

Her journey is recounted in this book, ‘Remember Me?’ available through her website: www.marymonaghan.com

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Mind Workout:
Make a Date With Yourself

Go somewhere alone. Choose a place that will appeal to your creative side. Stay at least one hour. Do something fun or something brave. Do something you’ve never done before, or something you have secretly wished you could do. Totally immerse yourself in the experience.

You might:

  • Eat at an expensive restaurant.
  • Go to a movie
  • Go to an art gallery
  • Have a picnic in the museum.

Before you go home, write in your journal how you felt while you were doing it. Write about any new experiences or insights you had. Write about any fears and how you felt about yourself when you moved through the fear. Then make a date with yourself for your next adventure or step toward achieving your dream.

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What Judi's Clients Are Saying

“Awesome and very helpful! I really needed this to motivate me. All things are possible.”

Brenda Ruckman
Washington Federal Savings
Las Vegas, NV

“Excellent, thought provoking

Jeffrey L Brown
Optimal Health Primary Care
Henderson, NV

“Everything about this seminar was helpful. It all ties together.

Garry Kapperman
Lincoln, NE

“The whole class was awesome. I learned so much. The best class I’ve taken.

Valma Armstrong

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Quotes of the Month

First say to yourself what you would be, and then do what you have to do.
(Greek Philosopher)

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
Anne Frank

Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed.
Corita Kent

I have learned that
if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.

Henry David Thoreau

It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly. Do not mistake activity for achievement.
Mabel Newcomber

What's Happening
With Judi

August 4 – 12
Valencia, Spain

August 17-30
Final Edits
“Life Choices” book

Featured Product

Getting Things Done: Keys to Communication, Sales, and Service
Featuring Brian Tracy, Judi Moreo, Patricia Ball, and Patricia Fripp

Getting Things Done

You need keys for just about everything these days – keys for your house, to start your car, for your safe deposit box – almost everything has a lock.  There are metaphorical keys too.  The keys you will find in this book will unlock the door to the knowledge you must have to get things done through communication, sales and service.

This just may very well be a turning point in your life.  Read this book and put these ideas to work.  Don’t miss this opportunity.  You can do it –
it’s up to you.


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