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November 2007

Welcome to Judi Moreo’s monthly e-zine, developed specifically for people who want to be the best they can be and enjoy much success in their lives! Please feel free to forward this to associates, friends, and family!

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In This Issue


Dear ,

It is at this time of Thanksgiving that I often reflect over the incredible life I have had the opportunity to enjoy.  Sure, things have gone wrong from time to time…there has been loss of loved ones, loss of money, sickness, accidents and sometimes very discouraging events, but all in all, it’s been very good.  I’ve had and still do have some of the best friends in the world.  I do work I love.  I had wonderful parents and a good home.  My dream of writing a book has come true…not once, but several times. 

Take a few minutes now and jot down all the reasons you have for being grateful and you will find your heart is filled with Thanksgiving as well.

Thank you for being in my life!  Have a wonderful holiday season.


* Yamte is an abbreviated version of You Are More
Than Enough


The Turtle on the Fencepost

An old rancher said,
"When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top of the fence post, you don't have to wonder how much of the credit belongs to the turtle!" 
It is obvious that it had some help.  Clearly an outside party was involved.

The same is true in each of our lives.  Not one of us has gotten to where we are today on our own.  We've all received help from someone that inspired, encouraged, taught us, opened doors, trusted and supported us.  It is because of that mentorship that we are where we are today.

Alex Haley, the well known author of Roots, kept a picture in his office of a turtle on a fence post.  When asked why he had this picture in his office he said, "This turtle did not get on the fence post on its own.  Someone gave it a lift. Likewise, I did not reach this position as an author without help.  Friends gave me a lift." 

So my question to you is, what are you doing to lift others?

Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

  • Look for opportunities to encourage or praise others
  • Listen
  • Offer your help
  • Be positive and provide hope
  • Send a note of thanks
  • Pay a sincere compliment
  • Send an email of appreciation for a job well done
  • Be a mentor

Submitted by Peggy Vasquez, Executive Assistant
Laboratory Director's Office
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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The Journal Has Arrived

The Goal Achievement Journal has arrived!  It is beautiful.  Many of you know how long I’ve been designing and redesigning this journal.  It started out by trying to find a journal that worked for me and when I couldn’t find one that was just right, I began taking journals apart and putting them back together, designing pages, pasting pictures and words, and putting in gold stars until I got just what I wanted…a journal I could use as a planner, a goal setting tool, a measurement of how I’m doing in my life and a gratitude book…all in one.  Over the years, my friends, Fiona Carmichael, Sue Bracksieck, and Tammy Wilson all contributed ideas.  Then my publisher, Carolyn Hayes-Uber saw my journal and fell in love with it.  She contributed a few more ideas and sent it to the same artist that designed “You Are More Than Enough”, Sue Campbell, who made it come to life.  Charlotte Foust wrote affirmations for weeks and eventually we put it all together.  Now it’s here and you can have one for only $19.95.  I am so excited with the quality of the book and the fact that the price is so reasonable.

I can’t wait for you to get yours so that you can have a visual depiction of all your dreams, goals, hopes, and ideas coming true. 

Call Charlotte right away at (702) 896-2228, if you want yours gift wrapped for Christmas gifts.

What Journalers Are Saying

“Judi Moreo first introduced me to her Goal Achievement Method of setting goals over 15 years ago and I have been using it ever since.  It helps me clarify my intentions so that my goals are what I truly want instead of what I think I should do based on family/societal influences.  I’ve given copies of her journal to all my friends and as a college career advisor, I use the principles it contains to help my students.”

Sue Bracksieck
Eastern New Mexico University

“I’ve set powerful goals with my Achievement Journal and achieved my dream of becoming a best selling author.”

Greg Kompes

“Writing goals in my journal and updating them regularly helps me stay on track.  It’s about time someone published a convenient, well organized journal that people would really use. I should have known that person would be you – Judi. 

Bob Walker

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E-Zine Archive

Eriq Cook, our webmaster, has now set up a page where you can have access to any of the past Motivational Tidbits ezines.  If at any time, you would like to review an article, you can access the library at:


or just go to the ezine page on my website www.judimoreo.com and click on “To view the ezine archive, click here.”

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Mind Workout: Other Person's Shoes

What It Is
A technique to ensure that all team members listen, understand, and can explain the perspectives being presented in a meeting.

What You’ll Need
List of ground rules

How It Works
Post the ground rules and be sure to explain them so that everyone understands what is expected.

Introduce this exercise during a part of the meeting when it is important that the opinions of all team members are understood.

Ask participants, whenever they speak or voice an opinion, to first repeat what they understood the previous team member to have said, including facts and feelings.  This does not mean that they agree with the other team member, simply that they understand.

After the summary, ask the team member whose viewpoint was being summarized to confirm that he/she was heard correctly.  If needed, the team leader or facilitator can ask questions for clarification.

Continue working through the agenda.

When offering solutions, team members should offer solutions that would be acceptable if they were in the other person’s shoes.


My life is a journey of becoming the person I was meant to be.  I am free of limitation and negativity.  My life is filled with endless possibilities.  I am more than enough!

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© 2005-2007 Judi Moreo. All rights reserved. Feel free to use text from the Motivational Tidbits eZine in whole or in part as long as you include complete attribution, including live web site and e-mail links. Please also do us the courtesy of notifying us of where the material will appear.

Privacy Policy: We do not share any information about any subscriber with anyone for any reason. Period.

Quotes of
the Month

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.  Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”
Mark Twain

“Close the door of fear behind you and see how quickly the door to faith will open in front of you.”
Napoleon Hill

“The grass often looks greener somewhere else, but it doesn’t matter how green the grass is, if it’s not located where you want to go.”
Paul Shropshire

What's Happening
With Judi


Book Signing
Women of the World
Las Vegas

Rockville, Md.


27th & 28
General Dynamics
Scottsdale, Arizona

Library Tree Lane
Las Vegas

Product of
the Month

Achievement Journal

Acheivement Journal

Companion to
You Are More Than Enough: Every Woman’s Guide to Purpose, Passion,
and Power”

If you have ever felt as though you were created for “something more”, but just didn’t know where to start, this is the journal for you.

It’s actually much more than a journal!  It is a step-by-step process of achieving your goals and making your wants, hopes, and desires come true.  It gives you ways to make your life work as well as a proven technique for setting and achieving goals in the eight major areas of your life:

Community Involvement

In addition to a place for daily writing, there is a measurement tool for you to stay aware of how you are doing in each of those areas of your life.

And you might know, Judi has included 2 pages of peel and stick gold stars in order for you to easily reward yourself.

$19.95 plus S&H

Buy Now

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