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March 2006

Welcome to Judi Moreo’s Quarterly ezine, developed specifically for people who want to be the best they can be and enjoy much success in their lives! Please feel free to forward this to associates, friends, and family!

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In This Issue

Hello ,

Have you ever driven past a bakery and smelled the wonderful smells of fresh bread baking?  Did it bring back memories?  If so, you’ll know what I mean when I tell you that when I get off the plane in Africa and smell the air, I feel like I’m home.  It doesn’t smell like fresh bread, it’s sort of like the smell of a wood burning stove.  It’s the smell of excitement, and adventure.  It’s the smell of great memories of my life here in Africa in the 1990’s.

On one trip over, there was a choir on the plane with me.  All the members of the choir were sitting in one section of the plane and as we landed and the sun was coming up, they sang the Lord’s Prayer.  It was the most beautiful rendition of that song that I had ever heard.  Each time my plane lands in Africa in the early morning, I hear that song again in my mind as they sang it that day and I thank God for the gift of all my African experiences and my African friends. This is the place where I feel special, really alive, and as though my life really matters.

Unlike many of the places where I speak in America where people complain that they have to attend a training program, here people come to a seminar excited and wanting to learn; feeling it a privilege to attend, and knowing that their companies are investing in their educations.  They don’t complain about the food.  In fact, they are thrilled and amazed that they are furnished lunch.  Their main focus is the education.  It reminds me once again of how spoiled we Americans are and how we have come to expect so many things.  We certainly can’t be blamed for it as we have grown up with it.  However, if we were to take more of an interest in the rest of the world, I believe we would be much more grateful and appreciative of what we have. 

When I think of how many times I’ve heard people complain that the convention room in the hotel is too hot or too cold, it reminds me of the training program I did here in an open barn with the wind blowing through, the attendees sitting on bails of hay, and the electrical extension cords plugged one into another into another into another and strung across an open land area in order to have the use of an overhead projector.  The screen was made of taped together pieces of paper on which newspapers are printed.   We didn’t have coffee and sweet rolls or a box lunch.  We had “pap with tomato and onion gravy”, which by the way is the food most Africans eat every day.  It is made from maize (a type of corn) and ground into a powder sort of like our corn meal and then water is added and it is boiled until it gets thick like pudding. Be assured, it doesn’t taste like pudding.  You use your fingers to mold it into a ball and then you dip it into the gravy and eat it.  (I have come to love it!)  No one complained that this was the same old food that they eat every day at home.  It was a magical day! 

This trip I am speaking at a Woman’s Conference and then doing some public seminars.  In addition, I am visiting some friends and spending a few days out at Misty Hills, the ultimate African experience, and doing some customer service training for them and then I fully intend to take advantage of their wonderful spa for a day or two.

Wish you were here!

Experience the Magic of Africa

March 2007

Judi will personally escort you through the Southern Africa that she knows and loves.  You will travel in comfort, enjoy the hospitality of the African people, view game up close, savor the flavors of exotic cuisine, walk on unspoiled beaches,  attend one of Judi’s motivational seminars, meet influential business people like yourselves, and always value the combination of cultural and educational experiences that you will have.

Cut out pictures of Africa and start next year’s goal book right now!

Product of the Month

Do you want to

  • expand your ability to think creatively?
  • Be able to inspire others to think creatively

IGNITE THE SPARK is for you!

Ignite the Spark

Most of us live with ongoing and increasing pressure to produce positive results, and most of us are grappling with unprecedented challenges.  A new approach is needed!  If you can learn to think creatively and help others to develop their thinking abilities, you will be able to overcome challenges, boost productivity, improve morale, and inspire your team.

Open Ignite the Spark at any page and you will find a lesson, an idea-generating technique, an assessment, an approach and practical guidance for implementing the ideas right now.  Applying any of these methods and working through the text will inspire creativity and motivation in your team which will translate into winning business practices and profits.

Written expressively for the international market by Judi Moreo and Fiona Carmichael.

Visit Web Site

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Mind Workout: African Talking Stick

What It Is
During meetings, participants are asked to sit in a circle and a talking stick is used for designating speakers during the communication process.

What You’ll Need
An African talking stick or any designated object
Stop watch

How It Works
The talking stick is given to a person who has something to say. As long as you have the talking stick, no one is allowed to interrupt.  In today’s fast paced society, we recommend that you put a limit on the length of time a person can hold the stick and keep to the subject under discussion. When you are finished you hand it on to the next in line.  (In African history, when you held the talking stick in any meeting then you could talk for as long as you liked about whatever you liked and in any way you wanted. You could talk for seconds or for days - and some people did.)

You can also use the African talking stick in another way.  The group leader can hand the stick to members of the talking circle.  When you receive the stick, you are required to give feedback.  This will pull in information from people who don’t normally speak up during meetings.

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What Judi's Customers Are Saying

"My experience in working with Judi has been a most pleasant one. She always delivered more than was expected. The ratings for her presentations are consistently high, among the highest I have seen."

Brian McDonald,
Global Conferences, Cape Town

"Staff turnover in the I.T. industry is traditionally very high, however, we decreased turnover from 23%  to 5% in one year.  We attribute this improvement directly to the effectiveness of the programs presented by Judi and Fiona."


Daan Grobler,
Director, Information Technology,
Johannesburg Stock Exchange


"Thank you for sharing your own personal experiences -- I found your examples and stories so easy to imagine and identify with because of the colorful and true-to-life manner in which you shared them with us. I felt like you were a friend to us instead of a lecturer."


Tavyn Chalmers,
Investec Bank Limited


"It was clearly a great challenge for you to talk to a group of people who might, at the onset, have believed that they 'knew it all' and that you were certainly not going to be able to teach them anything new. Clearly this was not the case, everyone found you extremely motivational.  May I commend you on your handling of what could have potentially been a very difficult group to deal with and for doing it in such a professional and entertaining manner."


Chris Moerdyk,
General Manager, BMW South Africa


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Quotes of
the Month

A roaring lion kills no game.
Do not tell the man that is carrying you that he stinks.

One does not use both feet in testing the depth of the river.

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