5 Irrational Reactions to Challenging Situations By Judi Moreo

Most days, one or all of us are faced with challenging situations. Any situation will trigger any number of different emotional responses from our endocrine systems, which we then react to externally. Webster defines Irrational as not capable of reasoning, affected by loss of normal mental clarity, or contrary to reason. (Webster’s New Riverside University

Are You Undermining Yourself?

Many of us undermine our confidence by trying to earn the approval of others. For some reason, we seem to think if we can get the approval of those around us, things will be better or others will take care of us. The truth is, no one but you is going to take care of

Challenge Yourself

Activities that encourage personal growth are especially good for helping self esteem. Pick something that you really want to learn how to do and join a club or a class and devote the time to learning what you have always wanted to learn. It does not matter what it is, as you challenge yourself and

Do You Just Show Up?

Without even saying a word, you are transmitting a message with your appearance. Your physical presence is the foundation upon which you build your credibility. Analyze and thoughtfully plan how you will present yourself. Is your style on purpose... your purpose? Is the message your appearance gives the message you want people to receive? Do

Enthusiasm Makes The Difference

Passionate people are enthusiastic people. The word enthusiasm comes from the Greek words, en theos, which mean "the spirit within." We each need to unleash the spirit that is within us. You can't expect other people to get excited about your ideas or projects if you aren't excited. If you don't have a tone of