On Your Own Terms

Difficult people turn up in everyone’s life from time to time. They show up as co-workers, bosses, friends and relatives. We all know when difficult situations are left unaddressed, it won’t get better. In fact, it usually gets worse. You simmer and stew until the situation erupts into counterproductive conflict, which could lead to others


Becoming a professional isn’t just a matter of learning all of the technical aspects of your job. You determine whether you are a professional or not by how you look, talk, write, act and work. Many businesses have come to accept less than professional performance from their team members. Casual dress and casual attitudes have

Staying Positive

Even the most successful people have experienced periods when they have been confused, disillusioned, and discouraged. Yet these very people have overcome trials and tribulations to triumph and victory because they have chosen the right attitude. When we feel discouraged and stressed; when life seems intolerable, even meaningless; when our lives are not going the

Your Success Is Waiting

Life is an adventure to be lived.  Today is a new beginning.  Imagine the exciting things you can do, the wonderful relationships you can have, the places you can go, and who you can be when you give up your fear.  Choose success!  It's just as easy...if not easier...than failure,  Based on my experiences, I

Negativity Is A Virus

We are all susceptible to the negative influences of others and we must protect ourselfs.  Negativity strikes in many forms.  You can catch it.  If someone around you is negative and complains a lot, you may soon find yourself griping and complaining as well.  Or you may find yourself feeling disappointed about life.  It's possible