• ice skating

Would You Give Up?

I  love this story! Among some skaters was a small boy so obviously a beginner that his frequent tumbles awakened the pity of a tenderhearted, if not wise, spectator. “Young man, “ she said.  “I wouldn’t stay on the ice and keep falling down;  I’d just come off and watch the others.” Quickly brushing away

Enthusiasm Makes The Difference

Passionate people are enthusiastic people. The word enthusiasm comes from the Greek words, en theos, which mean "the spirit within." We each need to unleash the spirit that is within us. You can't expect other people to get excited about your ideas or projects if you aren't excited. If you don't have a tone of

5 Steps to Get What You Want

A while back, I spoke at a series of women's conferences with my friend, Dr. Kimberly Ventus-Darks. Each day she started the conference with the sentence, "If you always do what you always did... You'll always get what you always got." Think about that! If you want something that you've never had; if you want to

Do You Feel Gratitude?

Every night when you lay your head on your pillow, say thank you for at least two things in your life for which you are grateful. On those sometimes difficult nights when you are laying there thinking about all the things you didn't get done, you still need to do, you could have said, you

The Connection Between Passion and Money

Passion comes when we believe in something, when our purpose is clear.  Passion is the fuel that drives us to accomplish our goals.  If your tank is full of passion, you are going to go a long way. What gets you excited?   What do you love?   What do you feel strongly about in