If You Ain’t Got No Cut Lemons…
While hurrying off to work one morning, Beverly, an executive assistant, pulled into a fast food drive-thru. When asked what she wanted to order, she requested, “Iced tea with cut
Lifetime Success Pattern – by Judi Moreo
You are in for a treat! We have a fabulous new product offering! So many of my past students and coaching clients have been asking me for another program…one
Finding Personal Peace – By Judi Moreo
Finding our way to an inner peace, especially at this time of year is not always easy to do. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season inevitably catches up
What Are You Thankful For? – Thanksgiving Day – By Judi Moreo
As today is Thanksgiving, I am reminded of all that I have to be grateful for. I have truly had a blessed life...a wonderful family, fabulous interesting friends, a great
Negativity Not Allowed
It seems like every conversation I have had with someone lately, they have brought up the terrible state of the economy. I’ve started off many conversations with my friends this week
Staying Positive in a Negative World
When the nightly news is filled with the major tragedies of today, it is very hard to stay positive and upbeat. Even if these terrible things weren’t done to