Understanding is Vital to Communication By Judi Moreo
Communication skills encompass a variety of strategies and techniques that aid interpersonal interactions. When you are communicating effectively, it facilitates information sharing, perspective-taking and genuine understanding. However, breakdowns in communication
Criticism, Feedback, & Success By Judi Moreo
Nowadays, criticism has such a negative connotation that most people automatically react poorly to the term itself, without even thinking about its benefits. People think that the phrase "constructive criticism"
Criticism as Appreciation By Judi Moreo
People hear the word “criticism” and they almost automatically flinch. Their hearts beat a little faster and they prepare themselves for the worst. It's a safe bet that those same
Eye-Opening Criticism By Judi Moreo
Think about a time in your life when someone criticized something you did and it really affected you. Perhaps it came at a time when you were already feeling down,
HOW TO DEVELOP CHARISMA – Be Confident, Personable, Successful
Have you ever wondered why certain other people seem to you to be so confident, personable and successful! They seem to receive an inordinate share of attention, approval and love.
Criticism and Language By Judi Moreo
Criticism, for many people, carries the same meaning as judgment. In fact, one of the top synonyms of criticism is judgment. And, one of the top synonyms of critic is