About Judi Moreo

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So far Judi Moreo has created 379 blog entries.

Do You Feel Gratitude?

Every night when you lay your head on your pillow, say thank you for at least two things in your life for which you are grateful. On those sometimes difficult nights when you are laying there thinking about all the things you didn't get done, you still need to do, you could have said, you

The Connection Between Passion and Money

Passion comes when we believe in something, when our purpose is clear.  Passion is the fuel that drives us to accomplish our goals.  If your tank is full of passion, you are going to go a long way. What gets you excited?   What do you love?   What do you feel strongly about in

You Have A Right To Be Happy

You have a right and even a responsibility to be happy. Happiness is a state of mind. Many people let life pass them by because they choose to be unhappy. They sit around complaining, worrying, procrastinating, and gossiping about other people instead of making the most of every day. They talk about the past and

Set Goals That Inspire You

Do you have any childhood dreams that remain unfulfilled or any cities that you have always wanted to see, but never visited? Consider all the material things you want, the lifestyle you desire, the places you would like to go, or things you would like to do and incorporate them into your goals. What is

Are You Feeling Depressed?

Let's face it, life is not always easy, and for some people, depression very often takes over. We get depressed when we are discouraged or disappointed in ourselves or our lives. We start to feel as though we can't live up to the expectations of others . . . or even our own expectations. We

The Image You Have of Yourself

What we put our attention to is what multiplies in our lives. Stop talking about your negative traits. The more you concentrate on them, the more they hang on.  Instead of criticizing, look for things you like about yourself. If you have actual limitations you can't do anything about, then you need to accept them. The