Best choiceLife is a succession of choices.  You have the ability to choose.  Don’t choose to spend your life wallowing in negativity, failure, ignorance, poverty, anger, fear, shame, guilt, or self-pity.  Choose instead to let go of old hurts and old beliefs.  Choose to raise your sights, develop new belief systems, and reach for the success you desire.  Choose happiness, confidence, peace of mind, contentment, fame and fortune.  Choose to navigate your difficult path wisely and you will meet with a success you never believed possible.

“But,” you ask. “How?”

Make a list of everything you’ve ever wanted to do, everywhere you’ve ever wanted to go, everything you’ve ever wanted to see.  It doesn’t matter how impossible it seems, when you believe you have choices, they will begin to appear in your life.

In his book, Psycho-Cybernetics, the author, Maxwell Maltz, tells us “A human being always acts and feels and performs in accordance with what he imagines to be true about himself and his environment.”  It is important for you to imagine being and feeling who and what you want to be.  Imagine all the choices that are possibilities for you.