• prioritize your goals

How to Prioritize Your Goals by Judi Moreo

In order to prioritize your goals, you'll need to have a good understanding of what you need to be happy in your life. There are typically four areas in which most people make goals: 1.  Family  Spending more time with your kids or partner 2.  Financial  Saving toward your six month emergency cash or starting

  • Journaling

Are You Journaling: Achievement Journal by Judi Moreo

The year is almost half over.  Are you using your Goal Achievement Journal.  If not, why not?  Don’t you want to achieve your goals this year. Many of you know how long it took me to design and redesign this journal to make sure it would assist you in achieving your goals.  It started out

  • Doing something big

Doing Something Big! Stop Playing Small

It’s your choice! You can go through life getting by or you can do something that really matters. It could be something you do for someone else or something you do for yourself. It could even be something you do for the world, but do something big. One thing I’ve learned over the years is,

Challenge Yourself

Activities that encourage personal growth are especially good for helping self esteem. Pick something that you really want to learn how to do and join a club or a class and devote the time to learning what you have always wanted to learn. It does not matter what it is, as you challenge yourself and

Set Goals That Inspire You

Do you have any childhood dreams that remain unfulfilled or any cities that you have always wanted to see, but never visited? Consider all the material things you want, the lifestyle you desire, the places you would like to go, or things you would like to do and incorporate them into your goals. What is