5 Steps to Get What You Want

A while back, I spoke at a series of women's conferences with my friend, Dr. Kimberly Ventus-Darks. Each day she started the conference with the sentence, "If you always do what you always did... You'll always get what you always got." Think about that! If you want something that you've never had; if you want to

Are You A Problem Identifier or a Problem Solver?

It is absolutely essential we become problem solvers.  Problem identifiers are a dime a dozen.  Anyone can go around pointing out problems.  On the other hand, problem solvers are worth their weight in gold.  Far too few people spend their time and use their minds looking for solutions.  Problems give us opportunities to be creative.

Are You A Problem Identifier or A Problem Solver?

It is absolutely essential we become problem solvers. Problem identifiers are a dime a dozen. Anyone can go around pointing out problems. On the other hand, problem solvers are worth their weight in gold. Far too few people spend their time and use their minds looking for solutions. Problems give us opportunities to be creative.

Free Advice

Have you noticed that free advice seems to be worth just about what you paid for it?  There are a lot of people who are willing to give you some "free advice."  They want to tell you what you could do, should do or what they would do if they were you.  But they aren't