Woman with impaired posture position defect scoliosis and ideal bearingPowerful people don’t slump. They stand up straight. Good body posture makes you look confident, successful and energetic. There are many benefits to good body posture, including increased energy, improved health by aligning internal organs, and enhanced voice quality. In addition, you will look and feel more fit and self-assured.

Ask someone to look at your posture and see if you are standing correctly. A side view of your body should appear as though it has an invisible line starting at the crown of the ahead, flowing through the lobe of the ear, the outermost top of the shoulder, the hipbone, the center of the knee and ending at the arches of the feet.

Good posture is a reflection of good health and high self-esteem. If you take care of your body, exercise, and stand and sit up straight, you’ll feel better about yourself and demonstrate that feeling to others. This gives them more confidence in you.

You are more than enough!

Have you noticed an improvement in your life when you remember how important your posture is?