Swearing Stop Shows Ill Mannered And CautionIn today’s conversations, slang, vulgarities, and curse words seem to sneak unnoticed into many people’s vocabularies.  At least, unnoticed by the person speaking!  But, you can bet the person listening hears them and it will make a poor impression on that person.  You are basically telling the other person that you have no respect for them and you aren’t educated well enough to know an appropriate word to use.

We should try never to offend those who hear us whether we are talking directly to them or they happen to be within hearing distance.  When my personal assistant was in the bookstore recently, she reached across a table to pick up a book at the same time another woman reached for the book.  The woman said, “You are a real b….”  My assistant was so surprised, she jumped backwards and turned loose of the book.  As it turned out, the woman was talking to someone on her telephone, but with her hair covering the phone, my assistant couldn’t see it.

Be aware of what you say and who can hear you.  If you want to be respected, you want to sound educated, knowledgeable, and courteous — especially in business.  It gives you credibility!