Shoes With Text TomorrowTo understand success, we must understand failure. Failure is a part of everyone’s success. Usually when we succeed at something, it is after we’ve failed at trying it a different way. If you never failed, it would simply mean that you never tried…that you never put out any effort.

Failure is an individual’s view­point. To me, failure is a person’s inability to reach his/her goals in life. Failure is quitting when you aren’t doing well. Failure is let­ting other people’s opinions mean more than your own.

What causes failure? It could be a lack of self-esteem; however, sometimes even people with a good, healthy liking for themselves don’t reach their goals.

It could be a disease that’s affecting a lot of American’s today… TOMORROW-IT IS.

How can you tell when you are developing a case of tomorrow-itis? Listen to yourself. Check your vocabulary. Have any of these phrases crept in lately?

“I haven’t had a chance…

“I can’t get any competent help..

“I’ve busy too busy…

“As soon as I get these other things done, I’ll…

“I think I’ll rest before I start.”

Henry Ford once said, “You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.”

Great composers, artists, poets, writers, songwriters don’t work because they are inspired. They are inspired because they work. You must work at your ambi­tions every day. The more you work at them, the more excited you will become, and then you’ll find that you want to do it… TODAY