childWhen we have a fear of failure, we are putting our energy into failing.  We become what we think about…so if fear of failure is always on our minds, what are we most likely to attract into our lives?  You guessed it — failure!  We are concentrating on failure and therefore, directing our subconscious mind to make us fail.  When we think about our failures on a daily basis, we are simply rehearsing our upcoming results.  Do you often find yourself thinking “I can’t do it because I’m not smart enoughm attractive enough, educated enough or thin enough?  Do you concentrate on the things you don’t have or can’t do such as, “I don’t read music, speak a foreign language, drive a car, or know how to golf?”  Negative.  Negative.  Negative.  At some point you have to stop worrying about what people will think and just get on wth it.  Accept the responsibility for your own success and be determined to move forward from this point!

When I was just a child, my mom pointed out to me that there is nothing wrong with failure.  You sometimes have to fail in order to succeed.  She said, “When you were a child, you learned to walk by falling down. When you fell down, no one said you were not to get up.  No, we encouraged you to get up and try again. Then one day, you were able to do it without falling down.”  That’s how it works.  You fall down.  You get back up.  You fall again.  You get back up again until you get the result you want.

Persistence is one of the attributes of most successful peple.  Persistence means to go on resolutely in spite of opposition.  It means going back and being willing to change things.  You must decide what you want and go after it. You keep modifying the result until you get the result you want.

Are you going to hang onto that fear?  Or, will you give it up and do something differently? Something bold?