• better time

What Better Time? by Judi Moreo

What better time than a recession to ponder the words of George Bernard Shaw when he said, “The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and if they can’t find them, make them.” While having lunch with my friend this week, she

  • living

Whose life are you living? by Judi Moreo

Today’s society places us in many different rolls.  We are the friend, the spouse, the parent or child, the employer or team member.  We change our behaviors and personas to fit our different and evolving rolls and responsibilities.  Like changing our clothes to fit the weather or activity, we lock our true selves into patterns

  • We bring about what we think about

We Bring About What We Think About

We Bring About What We Think About Have you been asking yourself questions such as, “Why is it taking me so long to achieve success? To find the right relationship? To get what I want out of life?” If you have, perhaps it’s because you haven’t aligned your thinking to your wants, needs, and desires.

  • ice skating

Would You Give Up?

I  love this story! Among some skaters was a small boy so obviously a beginner that his frequent tumbles awakened the pity of a tenderhearted, if not wise, spectator. “Young man, “ she said.  “I wouldn’t stay on the ice and keep falling down;  I’d just come off and watch the others.” Quickly brushing away