Successful People Know Failure Is Their Friend

By Judi Moreo Do you know failure is your friend? Right now, you're probably either laughing out loud or cringing. You probably have this almost irresistible urge not to read this article. Well, hear me out. Most people are afraid of failure. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that out. This is part

One Key Fact about Failure That Can Help You Succeed

By Judi Moreo If you're reading this, chances are you might have met with some form of failure at one time or another. I know it burns. I know it stings. I know that if given a chance, you'd rather not deal with it and focus more on enjoying the benefits of success. Who wouldn't?

6 Key Steps to Live Life to The Fullest

By Judi Moreo You could say that in life we are motivated by two basic forces – love and fear. Love opens us to the passion and excitement that love has to offer, while fear causes us to withdraw from life and hide away, terrified of hurt and pain. John Lennon said something along these

Life Isn’t Always Easy By Judi Moreo

Who told you life was going to be easy? There are lots of troubles, irritations, and pains in life. Things happen. Things go wrong. People don’t always do what we want them to. Don’t depend on other people for your happiness. Depend on yourself. Be who you are. Do the things you want to do.

  • key fact about failure

One Key Fact about Failure That Can Help You Succeed

If you're reading this, chances are you might have met with some form of failure at one time or another. I know it burns. I know it stings. I know that if given a chance, you'd rather not deal with it and focus more on enjoying the benefits of success.  Who wouldn't? That's how

  • failure

Successful People Know Failure Is Their Friend

Do you know failure is your friend? Right now, you're probably either laughing out loud or cringing. You probably have this almost irresistible urge not to read this article.  Well, hear me out. Most people are afraid of failure. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that out. This is part of the

  • seeds of success

Seeds of Success: Lessons from a Daisy

Whenever I see a fresh picked vegetable, the earth freshly turned, or observe the many beautiful flowers in her garden, I remember those special days when she would punish me for something rotten I had done by making me work in the garden next to her.  As we planted the seeds, she was planting seeds

  • criticism

Criticism, Feedback, & Success By Judi Moreo

Nowadays, criticism has such a negative connotation that most people automatically react poorly to the term itself, without even thinking about its benefits.  People think that the phrase "constructive criticism" is something people made up so they could put a positive swing on bashing your work.  What happened to turn such a positive form of

  • achieving success

Four Secrets to Achieving Success by Judi Moreo

Everyone wants to be successful. Focus generally tends to be towards career success. However, personal or life success, is also important. Success is about achieving goals. After all, if you haven't got a goal then how can you be successful? So, what are the four secrets that can help you be successful? Set Goals It