Should You Consider a Coach to Help Improve Your Self-Image?

By Judi Moreo Taking on a coach can be one of the quickest ways to speed up development. If you are looking to improve your self-image, perhaps hiring a coach is the right way to go. But before you sign on the dotted line, use these tips to find the right person for the job.

Positive Self Image on Social Media

By Judi Moreo It is important to project a positive self-image on social media. We see a lot of people posting negative comments or pictures. In some cases, these people can get away with it by posting anonymously. But if you post in a negative manner and people find out it is you, this can

How to Maintain a Positive Self-Image

By Judi Moreo Negativity is all around us. The news media never seems to have anything good to report, and many of the people you work with take joy in spreading negative messages about others or your workplace. It’s no wonder it gets more difficult by the day, to maintain a positive image. But it

How to Love Yourself

By Judi Moreo It is possible to love yourself. Even with years of people constantly trying to bring you down, you can learn how to put aside those people and move on with your life. In many cases, people are not trying to bring you down on purpose. They think they are helping you by

  • recognizing the negativity

Recognizing the Negativity in Your Life so You Can Eliminate It

Here are some of the reasons that you may have a negative outlook on life. By recognizing these issues and addressing them, you can eliminate negativity from your life.   Failure Successful people fail multiple times, but they continue learning from those failures and keep on heading toward their goals. The biggest mistake many people

  • self-image

Boosting Self-Image by Judi Moreo

  The first step to increasing your self-image is to know yourself. You need to understand your capabilities and skills. You also want to determine weaknesses to improve upon. But, don’t beat yourself up too much when identifying these. Weaknesses can easily be turned into strengths, if you work at them long enough.   Determine

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Are You Undermining Yourself?

Many of us undermine our confidence by trying to earn the approval of others. For some reason, we seem to think if we can get the approval of those around us, things will be better or others will take care of us. The truth is, no one but you is going to take care of

Challenge Yourself

Activities that encourage personal growth are especially good for helping self esteem. Pick something that you really want to learn how to do and join a club or a class and devote the time to learning what you have always wanted to learn. It does not matter what it is, as you challenge yourself and