Feeling Empty Inside: Fulfilling Missing Needs

Feeling empty is often a product of missing something you need. When you experience emptiness, it often follows an event where you lose something or someone that was very important to you. Sometimes, feeling empty happens when you realize you need something more or different in your life to feel complete again. Regardless of what

Setting Up Your Environment for a Better Self-Image

By Judi Moreo Our environment dictates how we will behave. If we live in a bad neighborhood, we will always be on the watch for crime. Crime can happen in good neighborhoods too, but the chances are less. Environment plays an important role when trying to set up a positive self-image. The wrong settings will

Personal Peace

by Judi Moreo Finding our way to an inner peace, especially at this time of year is not always easy to do. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season inevitably catches up with all of us. We get caught up in the hectic pace of getting all the decorating, shopping, cooking and visiting done

  • enjoying your life

Enjoying Your Life Versus Simply Existing

One of the common desires that people experience in their lives is summed up in a well-known saying – “I want to thrive, not just survive.” This can also be interpreted as enjoying life as opposed to simply existing. When there is a deep need for people to change their way of life, the world

  • staying positive

Staying Positive in a Negative World

When the nightly news is filled with the major tragedies of today, it is very hard to stay positive and upbeat.  Even if these terrible things weren’t done to us or to someone we love, they still affect us.  They are all around us.  They are being done to people who are like us, who

  • recognizing the negativity

Recognizing the Negativity in Your Life so You Can Eliminate It

Here are some of the reasons that you may have a negative outlook on life. By recognizing these issues and addressing them, you can eliminate negativity from your life.   Failure Successful people fail multiple times, but they continue learning from those failures and keep on heading toward their goals. The biggest mistake many people

  • eliminate negativity

Letting Go: How to Eliminate Negativity by Judi Moreo

People tend to hold on to negativity in their lives, even though it makes them miserable. Why do they do this? Why it is so hard for them to let go?   One of the reasons for this situation, is the fact that a lot of times, people feel like they have no control over

  • eliminating negativity

Eliminating Negativity by Learning from a Child

Children naturally look at the world in a positive fashion. They have not yet learned that life has many pitfalls and challenges. They look forward to new things. They are willing to do what it takes to learn something new. They take time to stop and smell the roses. To just be instead of always