• power of optimism

The Power of Optimism by Judi Moreo

Have you ever been really excited about something and told someone else about it only to have them stomp all over your excitement? Your power of optimism lost on their lack of excitement.  The negative person to whom you told your dream pointed out why you shouldn’t be excited and how what you are excited

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  • be happy

Make The Choice To Be Happy Every Day by Judi Moreo

How can we be happy and passionate every day when we are dealing with the stresses of life? Worrying doesn’t accomplish anything. Worrying simply strangles our creative abilities and keeps us from being able to look for solutions to our problems and challenges. But how do we turn off the worry channel and get back

  • intention

Intention by Judi Moreo

If you’ve been listening to the news lately, you may have come to the conclusion that the outlook at the moment is bleak.  You may be caught up in the gloom and doom, hopeless mindset that is more contagious than a flu pandemic. There are some things you can do to keep yourself healthy when

  • We bring about what we think about

We Bring About What We Think About

We Bring About What We Think About Have you been asking yourself questions such as, “Why is it taking me so long to achieve success? To find the right relationship? To get what I want out of life?” If you have, perhaps it’s because you haven’t aligned your thinking to your wants, needs, and desires.

  • Negativity Not Allowed - Determined Optimism

Negativity Not Allowed

It seems like every conversation I have had with someone lately, they have brought up the terrible state of the economy.  I’ve started off many conversations with my friends this week with the sentence, “No negativity allowed.”  I refuse to accept the “ain’t it awful mentality” of the masses.  I know that I make my own