• failure

Successful People Know Failure Is Their Friend

Do you know failure is your friend? Right now, you're probably either laughing out loud or cringing. You probably have this almost irresistible urge not to read this article.  Well, hear me out. Most people are afraid of failure. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that out. This is part of the

  • reaching your peak

4 Big Things that Hold You Back from Reaching Your Peak

You’re probably doing pretty well in your career. You did well in college, you’ve got a good job, or you’re establishing a business. But there’s something that is stopping you from reaching your peak. You’re not quite where you want to be. Maybe your career trajectory feels like it’s stalled a little or even plateaued.

  • live life to the fullest

6 Key Steps: Live Life To The Fullest by Judi Moreo

You could say that in life we are motivated by two basic forces – love and fear. Love opens us to the passion and excitement that love has to offer, while fear causes us to withdraw from life and hide away, terrified of hurt and pain. You can't live life to the fullest with fear.

Mind Workout: Creativity Killers

Being creative and innovative means eliminating creativity killers which can become rampant and have an adverse effect. Routines, habits, ruts!  They are all brain deadening.   Fear can strip you of your creativity mental dexterity and your ability to make decisions.  Fear of being humiliated can discourage you from expressing who you are and giving your

Are You Undermining Yourself?

Many of us undermine our confidence by trying to earn the approval of others. For some reason, we seem to think if we can get the approval of those around us, things will be better or others will take care of us. The truth is, no one but you is going to take care of