• choices

Choices, Lots of Choices by Judi Moreo

We live in a world of possibilities and possibilities give us choices. Lots of choices. But, many of us don’t see the possibilities and therefore, we don’t realize what choices are available to us. When things don’t go the way we thought they should or when something happens to us that is unfortunate, we still

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  • We bring about what we think about

We Bring About What We Think About

We Bring About What We Think About Have you been asking yourself questions such as, “Why is it taking me so long to achieve success? To find the right relationship? To get what I want out of life?” If you have, perhaps it’s because you haven’t aligned your thinking to your wants, needs, and desires.

  • Negativity Not Allowed - Determined Optimism

Negativity Not Allowed

It seems like every conversation I have had with someone lately, they have brought up the terrible state of the economy.  I’ve started off many conversations with my friends this week with the sentence, “No negativity allowed.”  I refuse to accept the “ain’t it awful mentality” of the masses.  I know that I make my own

  • ice skating

Would You Give Up?

I  love this story! Among some skaters was a small boy so obviously a beginner that his frequent tumbles awakened the pity of a tenderhearted, if not wise, spectator. “Young man, “ she said.  “I wouldn’t stay on the ice and keep falling down;  I’d just come off and watch the others.” Quickly brushing away

Do You Judge A Book by It’s Cover?

"It's not good to judge a book by its cover, but do you think learners will anyway? Yes! In today's 21st Century mentality, with so many messages competing for our attention, learning content must look good enough to engage the learners from the beginning. Otherwise they will tune out before giving the content a chance.