What Does Your Body Posture Say About You?

Powerful people don’t slump. They stand up straight. Good body posture makes you look confident, successful and energetic. There are many benefits to good body posture, including increased energy, improved health by aligning internal organs, and enhanced voice quality. In addition, you will look and feel more fit and self-assured. Ask someone to look at

Are You A Problem Identifier or A Problem Solver?

It is absolutely essential we become problem solvers. Problem identifiers are a dime a dozen. Anyone can go around pointing out problems. On the other hand, problem solvers are worth their weight in gold. Far too few people spend their time and use their minds looking for solutions. Problems give us opportunities to be creative.

Do You Micro-Manage?

Very often there is a tendency to micromanage. Micromanagement is “overcontrol,” which impedes your team members’ potential. This is counterproductive. It leads to demoralized and unwilling employees. A leader who over-controls actually practices rigidity in thinking! This is definitely not conductive to creative thinking. Some people in leadership positions think that the position they hold

Are You Harboring Fear?

Fear can strip you of your most valuable resources: creativity, mental dexterity, the ability to make decisions. Fear and self-doubt cause paralysis and kill off creative thinking. When fear invades an organization, employees begin to react instead of respond. Fear limits innovative and imaginative thinking and can cause negativity. It can be totally immobilizing. Fear